We had spotted this botanical garden on the blogs we follow and we absolutely wanted to discover it with our own eyes.

We took advantage of our road trip in Scotland to stay a few days in Glasgow to discover the city and this famous botanical garden.

Passing through the West End, the student district of Glasgow, we continue with a visit to the botanical garden which is located not far from there.

We begin our visit with the greenhouse dating from 1873, the Kibble Palace, one of the largest greenhouses in the United Kingdom. We are very happy because it is falling heavily (no doubt, we are in Glasgow!) and we will finally be able to take shelter.

Upon entering, we are immediately struck by the contrast between the rain outside running down the windows and the tropical atmosphere reigning inside.

Despite the bad weather, the light inside the greenhouse is good! In a few moments, we feel like we are somewhere else and certainly not in Scotland. The change of scenery is total, and I believe that this is the main reason why we love the tropical greenhouses of botanical gardens so much.

This one is unique. Old in appearance with its white frame and statues, mirrors were installed at the level of the main dome to reflect the light on the plants. This little detail modernizes the greenhouse. We could stay there for hours photographing it…

We continue our walk in the next greenhouse. Before coming, we thought there was only one greenhouse in the garden!

We are very happy to discover this one, much more recent than the previous one. And, we will be able to shelter from the rain for a few more minutes.
This greenhouse is a very nice surprise! In just a few steps, the atmosphere changes: from arid with cacti to humid with aquatic plants.

The flora is very rich and we can spot our favorite plants in their optimal living conditions.

A very nice discovery that we recommend you visit during a weekend in Glasgow!