The best camera is the one that's with you!
“The best camera is the one that goes with you!” »
Chase Jarvis

Pixter® has made this famous quote from Chase Jarvis its leitmotif! The Pixter® brand was born from a conviction shared by its co-founders 7 years ago: the best camera is the one you have with you all the time, in your pocket: your smartphone.

Smartphones now offer such astonishing photo quality that they only need a few accessories to rival the traditional photography experience. We offer these accessories to assist you in your photography practice, whatever your level. Our mission: to guarantee the best photo and video experience on smartphones.
Pixter® has made this famous quote from Chase Jarvis its leitmotif! The Pixter® brand was born from a conviction shared by its co-founders 7 years ago: the best camera is the one you have with you all the time, in your pocket: your smartphone.
Smartphones now offer such astonishing photo quality that they only need a few accessories to rival the traditional photography experience. We offer these accessories to assist you in your photography practice, whatever your level. Our mission: to guarantee the best photo and video experience on smartphones.

Our engagement
At Pixter®, we are deeply aware of our responsibility to the environment. We are proud to be actively engaged in reducing our environmental footprint and contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.
Durable Design
We design our products with sustainability in mind. We choose high-quality materials and eco-responsible manufacturing processes to minimize our impact on the planet.
Responsible Packaging
We use recyclable packaging and reduce unnecessary materials as much as possible. Our goal is to minimize packaging waste while ensuring your products arrive in perfect condition.
We actively encourage the recycling of our products and their packaging. We provide information on how to recycle our products responsibly.